Thursday, February 25, 2016

Famous First and Last Lines

 "A screaming comes across the sky." - Gravity Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
Born May 8th 1937 and is still alive.
The book was published in 1973
Summary: The book is essentially set in the time of World War 2. It's based around the experiments of German scientist who are trying to develop new technology to aid in the Nazi cause. There are a group of scientists who are developing a new a rocket that can send a person into space.

" must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on." -  The Unnamable by H. P. Lovecraft
Born August 20th, 1890. Died March 15 1937.
The book was published in 1958
Summary: The book is centered around a protagonist who is never identified in the story. Hence the name, "The Unnamable." It is implied that it is an old man in a confusing situation in which he is not sure of his surroundings. He's under the impression that there is a task that must be finished in order to appease his oppressors.

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