Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Chinese Exchange Farewell

Dear Crystal,
I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with replying to you regularly. I've been super busy with work and school. We've had a lot of things going on at our school and in my life. Prom and graduation. We've been prepping for graduation and I've been applying for colleges and I got accepted into OTC with a scholarship. I'm feeling very overwhelmed lately, and I've gotten very reflective on my life. Sometimes that is good, sometimes that is bad. But when you reach the end of a chapter, you tend to recap on what happened. I'm pretty glad with how things turned though. I will be moving onto OTC in the fall and I'll spend the summer working and saving money and partying. I'm excited to graduate high school. I can't promise to be consistent with emailing you back if you want to continue this correspondence, however if you'd like to I would try! Have a great summer!

Sincerely, Lynette Fonner

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