Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Color Poetry

     "Rose Glory"
Blooming in the rain
The red rose grows in the shade
The water gives life

     "Panama Rose"
The landscape is green
The morning is hot and sweet
The rose grows

     "Fuchsia Flock"
The bird flew from home
The air was icy and cold
She missed her family

"Earthly Gray"
Eternally standing
Aged from time
Rough in
Hard and


The oranges were ripe.
And ready to pick
It was just about time
But the weather got sick

The winds began to blow
The vines began to rip
And to the storm
Were the oranges harvested.


There wasn't a lot going through her head.
Her mind had been rattled too much.
So, she gave it a break as she walked out onto the white sand.
She looked out across the water.
And sighed.

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